Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lessons Painted in Purple

A few weeks ago I traveled to Jackson to see "The Color Purple" twice! Which means that by the end of that week I had seen the show a total of 4 times! I know that's extreme, but while other people were watching "The Breakfast Club and "Footloose" we were watching "The Color Purple" on repeat! However seeing the show this time was completely different. It was much more meaningful because I shared something I love with people I love.  I think everything in life is that way... more meaningful with people than going it alone. I've learned the hard way that I am not the easiest person to walk beside. On one hand I'm an open book... you don't even have to ask and I will give you an extended play by play. I thrive on details. Everyday presents a story worth sharing because no one else is living your life! I love that! If my day is a reality tv show, what I share with you is the edited version of the script. The only person who watches the bonus features and doesn't fast forward through the commercial breaks (or break downs) is Jesus, but he has DVR so time doesn't really hinder his attentiveness. Anyway, my point is I've realized that walking beside people isn't an easy task because inviting people in can be very difficult.

I was the youngest of four children, by the time I came around my parents were busy and they had seen it all before. I distinctly remember my transition into "womanhood"as one of  the most anti-climatic moments of my life. Trust... third time was NOT the charm. In fact the most rememberable moment was when I asked my Dad for money for female products and my Mom was completely embarrassed and left the room. That was the first of many "I'm missing something, over- share" moments that my Dad lucky can't remember. I learned early to entertain myself, to enjoy my own company and I still do til this day! In case you missed it... I'm really funny! On top of that I've always been single. And US single girls have to learn to do it for yourself! There's no time to wait for Prince Charming to show up! He's either too busy chasing Daisy Duke and Polly Prostitute or he's gay! Either way... he ain't knocking on my door anytime soon. As a kid every church service had a themed message that "all you need is Jesus!" If you dared to want anything more you betta pray about that! Well...  I don't think that's true anymore... we all need Jesus and each other. We were created for "be with"... "God is with us." We are his/her extended hands to each other and the world. I've learned that when I'm in a dark place... I need another person to help me see what's right in front of me. When the voices in my head are only pointing out the things that didn't work out or things that are going wrong... I need someone to reflect Jesus and point out what's right in the world.  Here's a excerpt from my favorite scene from "The Color Purple":
CELIE: God forgot about me!

SHUG: God takin' his time getting around to you, I admit, but look at all he give us.
Laughin', and singin', and sex. Sky over our heads, birds singin' to us. I think it piss
God off if anybody even walk past the color purple in a field and not notice it. He

say, "look what I made for you."

I am both characters in the scene.  I've witnessed people going through who needed someone to help them remember the beautiful canvass of color that is the human story. On a good day I was able to help them smile for a moment and point out that my favorite color is everywhere... green!  I've also experienced my own shadow of death. Just when I was ready to settle into a dark place... God knew just who to send to smile on me. Life is meant to be lived with people. Our scripts are meant to be read aloud for an audience. We all have a role to play. You just don't know which day you'll be the Celie or the Shug. But what you can count on is that everyday there will always be Purple... in a memory, in community, in a field...  just accept that you need it and learn to look for it. 
