Monday, August 30, 2010

32 Miles in 32 Minutes...

It's Sunday night ... ten minutes before the stroke of midnight. BUT this is no typical Sunday night because in ten minutes I will blog my way into another year of life. In ten minutes I'll be one step further from my youth and one step closer to middle age. In ten minutes... it'll be my 32nd birthday.  I've never had an issue with growing older. My mother instilled at an early age that "every grey hair is a story worth telling." I believed her... even when she started dying her hair! Even though I am more comfortable than most with the aspect of aging... I'm still hit with the questions. What are you doing with your life? Are you happy? What do you have to show for it? Are you ok? Well, I don't own a house, the bumper of my car is hanging on by a clothes hanger,  and another year has passed with little or no prospects of a husband anywhere on the horizon! Any of which could easily spin a woman my age into a quarter life crisis! I'm Claire Huxtable without Bill,  Elizabeth Bennett without Mr. Darcy, Kate without a Jack or a Sawyer! My list of have nots may appear extensive, but that's not where this story ends.

Ladies and Gentlemen... my I present "32 miles in 32 minutes"

This Sunday night started with an invitation that I couldn't refuse. Before church Colbey informed me that her three daughters had a birthday gift for me and that I had to come get it TONIGHT.  I, like anyone who has ever meet the Sparkettes, had little or no chance of declining their offer. When I arrived at their home I was greeted with a poster board reading "32 miles in 32 minutes" I knew that somebody was up to something. Colbey and Larry had prepared my favorite appetizer, tomato sandwiches and a strawberry, walnut salad with raspberry vinaigrette! I love those little sandwiches!! Colbey took it upon herself to warn me not to eat to much because I still had many miles ahead of me! At that moment I thought about running out the door with the plate, but I remembered that she has never stirred me in the wrong direction.  Most importantly I got 32 minutes with one of my favorite families and several original master pieces from the Sparkettes to display on my refrigerator.

32 minutes later I was in the car and driving to Jeri and Jonathan's for dinner. Katie greeted me at the door and guided me into the living room for dinner theatre starring Kate and Jeri. They performed "sixteen going on seventeen" from the Sound of Music. I should mention that Jeri was dressed in drag and quite convincing too. It's no secret that I love the theatre. If I could pick something to do every week for the rest of my life it would involve seeing live theatre. Kate and Jeri worked out staging,  choreography and memorized the lyrics to boot! I couldn't contain my tears. They know how much theatre means to me and took the time to create a theatrical moment just for me. Afterwards I was lead into the dining room to read "a few of my favorite things" Jeri had taken the time to contact several of my out of town friends and asked them to share a 'favorite thing' about me. Again, I am humbled to tears not only at the words of affirmation from my oldest and dearest friends, but also that they took the time to reach beyond the Hattiesburg City limits. Dinner came from Jutmamas... a local Thai favorite.  Dinner with Jeri, Jonathan, Katie, Warren, Kate and Toby.

32 minutes later I'm blind folded and in the car heading to have dessert at the Willis House. After removing my blind fold I was surprised once again by who was present in the room! The Willis family of course, even Taylor who was home for a weekend visit, Marie and Billie, and most surprising... my cousin Tremayne! Steve prepared his famous pound cake and smothered it in vanilla and chocolate ice cream! We sat and I shared about the night thus far... only to have another surprise just around the corner. Margie and Jennifer came up to Hawkins a lot last week. I, being the egotistical person I am, was confident that they were simply happy to see me! Not to mention... Jennifer becomes my co-worker in two days! Well... they were in fact gathering audio recordings from my Hawkins family. They recorded my closet friends and a few of my favorite students! The words on the recording made me laugh out loud and moved me to silent tears. There is one student in particular that's after my heart. Otis after taking a few deep breaths said "Ms. Sharon helps me find myself. She gave me my mentor. He helps me a lot." The recording ended with a group of second graders singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs! It was a special treat indeed.

32 minutes later... the final stop on the journey. With my blindfold in place... we arrive at the Dixon home. It's dark and super quite so I have no idea what to expect... then it starts... that very familiar guitar strum that warms my heart to the brink of bursting... Christmas Caroling!! The blind fold is removed and I see the Hub City Carolers reunited for one special performance in August! They start to sing my favorite song on top of that! "Do you hear what I hear/ Joy to the World" is my favorite carol ever! Sarah and Mike had taken the time to put up Christmas decorations, bake cookies and make hot chocolate! It really was Christmas with scarves around the neck and gifts under a tree!!!  Present: Jennifer, Margie, Steve, Taylor, Mike, Sarah, Melanie, Toby, Kate, Lindsey S. , Lindsay P. , Daniel, Jonathan, Jeri, Kyle, Bille, Marie, Katie and Warren! This group is well aware that Christmas brings joy to my heart that reaches far beyond the Holiday season allotted. In fact what they didn't know is that I had seriously considered putting up my Christmas tree the day before. I told myself that I could put it up and no one had to know. It would be my little secret... my precious, but I thought better because I suck at containing excitement! Thankfully the dose of Christmas I received last night will suffice... until October when the season officially begins!!

At the end of this night... My 32 miles has come to an end, but my 32 years is just beginning. Thanks to the amazing group of people that I get to share life with... tonight my list of have nots seems laughable even to me. 32... and what do you have to show for it? Life... A beautiful life that is surrounded by people who care enough to acknowledge my fears with dignity, cover my flaws with grace and go out of their way to ensure that for this night there is no space to doubt how deeply I am loved. Tonight even the critics that live inside my head telling me that my personality is too much, that my insecurities are too many or that I am simply invisible... were silenced. The only voice that was evident was "Papa"... asking me to see with my eyes, feel with my heart and accept once and for all that her great love for her children out weighs any tactic used against me. My cup literally runneth over.  I will end with a quote that sums up everything better that I can "Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments take your breath away." Amen. Best Birthday Ever!