Monday, January 25, 2010

And the Wimp Award goes to...

Soo... I started this year with a new determination to tackle this weight once and for all, BUT that failed quickly. I can give myself at least 9 reasons why I haven't been going to the Y as much, eating more than usual and eating anything within reach... BUT it doesn't change the bottom line. I've gained 10 pounds this year!!! Horrible!!! Thursday morning was the sum of all things awkward. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning I take an aerobic step class. Before Christmas I was one of the people who set the bar for the entire class! Everyone would stop at some point, but NEVER me!! The Unbreakable Team Included: Mrs. Amanda, the 87 year old... David, the married military guy... and Sharon...  the nice, funny one that amazes everyone because she's the biggest, but she never stops! That's me!! Last Thursday I couldn't finish! I COULDN'T do it!! My stomach was killing me, my legs weighed more than I remembered! I have an entirely new understanding of how asthmatics feel! I wish I had thought to tell them that I caught asthma over the break!!

 What's going on with me? a lot... Over the holidays I spent a lot of time with people who were suffering and I resorted to my own feel good escape. I was certainly out of my routine, but I can't pretend that I didn't expect the scale to reflect my diet. However I was very disappointed to see how quick my endurance in the gym vanished. It's a up hill battle and I feel like I'm back at square one.

Saturday I recommitted to recommit to weight loss. I'm back to counting calories and I've cut out meat and bread for a week. My goal is to get back into my workout routine. Which is once a day minimally, but shooting for twice a day.

I'm having a low motivation moment. It just seems a bit overwhelming to have to lose the weight of a healthy teenager. AKA Taylor Willis! But that's better than where I started... losing a grown ass man! AKA Larry Sparkman! It really comes and goes. What's your motivation to exercise? What do you think my motivation should be?

Thanks for reading and feed back is good!

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